18 skeins of yarn from Michael's. They all look to be unused, but they were returned and they didn't have the paper on them that is usual with yarn, and they were in the dollar bins where there's usually little candles or tiny stamp pads or random stuff with initials on them.
Yep, I spent $18 on 18 skeins of yarn. Each one is roughly three times that at full retail.
My mommy was so proud! :D

The first image is of all the yarn on the bed in my mom's guest room (which used to be my room but is now totally different), which has dusky pink sheets and there's a floral-print bedspread visible around the edges. The other four images are a clockwise series of close-ups of the same yarn.
I don't always do well crocheting with the Homespun, but it's great on the Knifty Knitter. The other four are, I think, one organic cotton something or other (the pink-brown-white one) and the other three either Vanna's Choice or Impeccable.